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1.To assist indigenous people with daily life, the Indigenous Peoples Commission, Taipei City Government has hereby announced the essential points.
2.Prerequisites and procedures are listed as following:
【Special emergent fund】:
 2.1 Types:
  ◆ Emergent aids: Suffer from illness for a long period of time and accidents.
  ◆ Medical aids: General medical aids.
  ◆ Funeral aids: Direct blood relatives or spouse are unable to afford the funeral fees.
  ◆ Accident aids: Suffer from natural or serious accidents and get injury or damaged.
 2.2 Prerequisites:
  ◆ Indigenous people who have become permanent residents and actually lived in the City.
  ◆ Individuals who have suffered from accidents and have not received society aids.
  ◆ Others refer to the attachment.
 2.3 Documents required:
  ◆ Application form or transfer documents (see attachment one).
  ◆ Household certificate.
  ◆ Photocopy of ID card.
  ◆ Diagnosis and medical receipt, proof of death or others.
  ◆ Photocopy of post office or bank account book.
 2.4 Allowance standards can be found in the attachment.
 2.5 Please submit the application form to the Commission or all district offices.
 2.6 Procedures:
  ◆ Application: Via written forms by the applicants or family members, or to be transferred.
  ◆ Interview or discussion: Visit by the staff.
  ◆ Issue: Qualified individuals will have the allowance made to the bank account.
 2.7 Notes: Only one of the allowances can be chose, maximum twice a year per person.